Thursday, February 19, 2009

bad nights sleep.

being sick and everything
i basically slept all day.
when i sleep during the day, i dont sleep at night.
which means i cant take naps on school nights.
resulting in this, i didnt go to bed until 5 this morning & i only slept til 12.
so if i act b&%^#y to you ? im sorry.
im cranky. i hate being sick.
tommorow i have practice 9-11AM so i need to get my rest.
practice got cancelled so i can stayup all night & talk on the phone :)
tommorow, DOL is going bowling !
its tata's [melissa's] birthday outing.
& its going to be the dolls
first time out for about a month
im so excited. i miss my babies


  1. aww im sick too ... it sucks big balls !

    BUT i hope you have funn bowling , i think thats the same thing ima do or iceskating. LOL.
